Hudson Valley Reptile Rescue Visits CONNECT

What skills, abilities, and advantages help us adapt to our environment?  In school it might help if you have a good sense of humor, are academically strong in a subject, or talented on the field.  For reptiles, that good sense of humor or that they don’t know their math facts, or how to catch the winning pass doesn’t matter at all.  It is all about environmental survival.  Perhaps they mimic another reptile, like a Eastern Diamondback, or their ability to camouflage themselves, or as some lizards do – the ability to sever its tail as a self-preservation mechanism.  Friday, CONNECT Students welcomed the Hudson Valley Reptile Rescue Program.  Students learned about reptile adaptations, responsible reptile ownership, and even got to hold a snake. The day was filled with excitement, and we thank the Hudson Valley Reptile Rescue program for teaching us snakes, frogs, turtles, and much, much, more!