CONNECTing to our Constitution

CONNECT started off the school year with a Constitution Day celebration. Students learned about our country’s history and the groundwork on which the government was formed. The Constitution is the foundation of the United States of America’s democracy. It established our three branches of government and although written over 200 years ago still applies to life today. This document details our rights and guarantees everyone is treated equally under the law. “We the People” traveled back in time to embody the founding fathers as we created tri-corner hats and shot off 33 mm film cannons in celebration. Students also decorated patriotic homemade cookies and watched School House Rock’s “We the People,” “Fireworks,” and “No More Kings.” We hope our CONNECT students gained an understanding of our government and took away a responsibility to champion the values of our country. To learn more, each student was given their own pocket copy of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. As they left for the day, they waved American flags and shared an appreciation of our country’s rights and freedoms.