CONNECT Registration

It is time to register your child for the 2023-2024 academic year of CONNECT, which will begin on Monday, September 11th one week after school begins.

A day at CONNECT offers snack, two classes, and recess.  Friday’s we always have fun activities including visits from our West Point Friend and Field Trips to nearby sites.  If you would like to know more about CONNECT we encourage you to visit our website at 

Part of CONNECT’s goal is to help support & strengthen your child’s academics.  Working with Highland Falls Intermediate School’s administration and faculty we offer academic help to CONNECT students in math, English, reading, and organizational help.  Please choose at least one academic class below.

CONNECT offers exciting extracurricular activities, too.  Electives include art, chess, gymnastics, cooking & nutrition, creative expressions, crafts, “digitally detailed” (computer generated art), engineering, gardening, “Girls who Game” (sponsored by Dell and Intel), Legos, model making, outdoor sports, nature exploration, photography & film, robotics & coding, soccer, and music.  After registering we will reach out to you to schedule which electives you would like your child to participate in.

Students in grades 3-7 may participate every day.  Friday is open to grades 3-8.  If your child is in 8th grade and would like to participate every day, we are happy to discuss their participation.  

Should you have any questions  please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] 

Sample CONNECT Schedule: